We’ve identified 49.7M moderate women—women who are not ideologically entrenched—and developed hundreds of messages proven to move them on key issues. In this interactive toolkit you’ll get direct access to our ads and audience insights, and leave with concrete tools to move your audience on your issue.

Moved moderates +12pp in support of reproductive freedom.

With deep knowledge of our audience, we meet folks at their values and apply lessons from neuroscience and behavioral psychology to develop effective messaging. In this ad, we connect with those high in compassion and Text on dark blue background: Trait. Compassion. A sense of our common humanity and empathy for others. religiosity Text on dark blue background: Trait. Religiosity. The role religion plays in your life and the strength of your beliefs. to strengthen their support for reproductive freedom and abortion access.


Utilize our cutting-edge approach to connect with a persuadable audience, combat disinformation, and build a durable, multiracial democracy.

Turnkey Creative Proven Effective on Key Issues

We’re making our messages and ads available to you at no cost! These have been tested for effectiveness with moderate white women. Learn why they work and who they work with to ensure you get the right message to the right individual.

Moved moderates +24pp in support of paid family leave.

Messages to Combat Divisive Narratives

Our messages defuse culture wars, allow voters to focus on the issues they care about, and support women to play an active role in promoting social welfare in their communities. Search by topic to see all of our creative and key takeaways or search by voter segment to see which messages are most effective by audience.

Updated 4/30/24

Unique knowledge of moderate white women in suburban, small town, & rural America.

Where They Live

White women are the single largest voting bloc in this country. They make up 38% of the national vote share, and 42% or more of the vote share in Galvanize Action priority states. Within this voting bloc, we’ve identified 49,692,990 moderate women who are not ideologically entrenched, meaning they are open to new ideas and perspectives and movable on key issues such as reproductive freedom, healthcare, gender equity, climate, and the economy. The heatmap below shows the percent of vote share moderate white women represent across the country.

Traits & Values

People who look the same don’t all think the same. When we understand the values and traits that impact civic behavior, it allows us to connect with the right folks and provide information in a way that takes their beliefs into account. Our psychographic modeling segmented white women into five voter segments. Removing those firmly committed to either party or entrenched in their beliefs, we focus on the middle three segments of moderate, persuadable women.

Apply our effective strategies to your work.

Values-Based Messaging

We’ll share with you exactly how to create a message that meets people at their values and how to turn those into an effective ad. Our interactive worksheet will guide you through the process with prompts about your target audience and the issue you want to move them on. You’ll walk away with customized advice!

Message with Patriotism, In-Group Care, Compassion, and Empathy values highlighted. I was in the military when I had my first child. I got 12 weeks paid leave to recover and bond with my son. After I left the service, I started working for a company in my hometown that didn't offer paid leave. When I had my second child, I had no choice. I had to leave my baby at one week old so we could keep a roof over our heads. Separating a mother and child at birth like that is dishonorable. America is better than that. That's why I support the government passing paid family leave.

Applying Principles of Neuroscience and Behavioral Psychology

Understanding how the brain works is a critical aspect of effective persuasion. Did you know scientists estimate 40-90% of everything we do is unconscious? At the heart of our strategy is a scientific understanding that much of our civic behavior—how we respond to political ads, which policies we support—is driven not by conscious decision-making, but by deeply held values, neuroscience, and behavioral psychology. We’ve partnered with the scientists at Mindbridge to share these lessons with an emphasis on practical application.

Take the quiz to learn how we utilize neuroscience hacks to connect with our audience!