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Insulin Costs: Short (:15) version

Who it works with

  • Moderates (+16pp)
  • 2020 Trump Voters (+8pp)


We’ve developed over 70 messages about healthcare that resulted in statistically significant movement, including the examples below. To access all of our messages and learn more about who they work with and why, please contact us at partnerships@galvanizeaction.org.

As a Christian, I worry about all the poor people who work hard but still have a hard time buying the prescriptions they need to live a healthy life. They need our help in making sure life-saving medications are affordable and accessible, especially for seniors. Proverbs 19:17 reminds us to care for the poor, which is why I expect my members of Congress to pass legislation to bring down the cost of prescription drugs.

Moved voters to support pending legislation to allow the government to negotiate prescription drug costs and penalize pharmaceutical companies who increase drug costs to those on Medicare

  • Republicans (+14pp)

One of my happiest moments was hearing my son’s cancer was in remission. All I want is to keep him safe and I felt so helpless these past two years as he suffered. While we’ve cleared the biggest hurdle I now worry about his higher risk for covid. My husband and I are vaccinated but many people in our community are choosing not to. Because my son relies on the protection of others I’m just praying that enough people will get the shot. I believe we owe it to each other, as Americans, to protect the vulnerable by getting vaccinated.

Moved voters to agree that the benefits of COVID restrictions are worth the costs

  • Republicans (+19pp)
  • 2020 Trump Voters (+16pp)

Moved voters to agree that we owe it to one another as Americans to get vaccinated against COVID if we can

  • Republicans (+18pp)
  • 2020 Trump Voters (+21pp)
  • Age 55+ (+11pp)

Hearing Pope Francis say that vaccination is an act of love that allows us to care for the most vulnerable really stuck with me. My faith teaches me to help those less fortunate so I felt blessed to get my covid shot this fall. I know I am doing my own small part to keep my community safe and protect my loved ones.

Moved voters to agree that we owe it to one another as Americans to get vaccinated against Covid if we can

  • High School or Less (+16pp)
  • Under $50k Household (+14pp)
  • Age 35-54 (+16pp)

In America, family comes first, and my family’s health is non-negotiable. That’s why I get so mad seeing the price of prescription drugs go up. If I have to choose between my son’s cancer treatment and buying a winter coat for my daughter, I’ll choose his life-saving medicine. But I shouldn’t have to make that choice. That’s why I expect my members of Congress to do what’s right and pass laws to bring down the costs of prescription drugs.

Moved voters to agree that members of Congress who take money from pharmaceutical corporations and refuse to pass legislation that brings down the cost of prescription drugs will not get their vote

  • Conservatives (+12pp)
  • 2020 Trump Voters (+15pp)
  • $50k-$99k Household (+9pp)
  • Age 18-34 (+19pp)

I recently retired from the police force where I dedicated my life to saving lives and keeping my community safe. But now I’m struggling to keep myself safe as the price for my insulin shots keeps going up. It’s not right that big pharma is lining their pockets while the hard-working American people are struggling to afford life-saving medications. I expect my elected officials to protect me and my family by passing laws that bring down the costs of prescription drugs.

Moved voters to support pending legislation to allow the government to negotiate prescription drug costs and penalize pharmaceutical companies who increase drug costs to those on Medicare

  • Republicans (+13pp)
  • 2020 Trump Voters (+12pp)

Moved voters to agree that members of Congress who take money from pharmaceutical corporations and refuse to pass legislation that brings down the cost of prescription drugs will not get their vote

  • Age 18-34 (+16pp)

Growing up, the Sisters at Catholic School always used to tell us to “Love thy neighbor.” So when I moved next door to Mary, who is 84, I thought of Sister Eileen and started shoveling Mary’s walk and helping her with errands. That’s how I found out Mary isn’t taking all of her prescriptions. She is on a fixed income and has been skipping pills because she can’t afford them. I’m so frustrated that Congress hasn’t fixed this problem. Those politicians are failing to treat Mary as they’d want to be treated if they were in her shoes.

Moved voters to support pending legislation to allow the government to negotiate prescription drug costs and penalize pharmaceutical companies who increase drug costs to those on Medicare

  • Independents (+13pp)
  • Under $50k Household (+12pp)

Moved voters to agree that members of Congress who take money from pharmaceutical corporations and refuse to pass legislation that brings down the cost of prescription drugs will not get their vote

  • High School or Less (+15pp)
  • Under $50k Household (+9pp)

Father John, the priest at our church recently passed away. He was such a loving and compassionate man. He’d been sick for a while but he never complained. He just kept taking care of everyone else. After mass, I heard that he’d been skipping his prescription because he couldn’t afford it. I’m so upset. Congress has been talking about passing a law to make prescription drugs more affordable but they still haven’t acted. And while they played politics, Father John, the nicest man you’d ever want to meet, suffered and died. It’s so unfair. I expect more from my representatives.

Moved voters to support pending legislation to allow the government to negotiate prescription drug costs and penalize pharmaceutical companies who increase drug costs to those on Medicare

  • Moderates (+12pp)

Moved voters to agree that members of Congress who take money from pharmaceutical corporations and refuse to pass legislation that brings down the cost of prescription drugs will not get their vote

  • Moderates (+12pp)